Daily Archives: 17/06/2014

Book Review- The Revenge Of Kaivalya



Title :The Revenge Of Kaivalya
Author : Sumana Khan
Publishers : Westland Ltd.
Genre : Fiction (Paranormal)


Sumana Khan is a student, blogger and author. A Masters in Creative writing, Sumana is presently pursuing her Masters in Psychology. She blogs at ‘This & That’ and true to the tagline the blog is best enjoyed with ‘South Indian filter kaapi.’ The Revenge of Kaivalya is Sumana’s debut novel.


The cover though simple, is attractive and gives an insight to what to expect inside. Wondering why ‘The Revenge of Kaivalya?’ Then click here to know the story behind the name.

Blurb of the book

In the lush forests of Sakleshpura, a tribal man dies under mysterious circumstances, his body branded with words in an ancient Kannada script, and only the eerie silhouette of a young woman to be seen.

Nearby, in modern- day Bangalore’s concrete jungle, Neel, young , handsome and till now carefree, uneasily wonders if his friends on the party circuit are playing a prank on him- his penthouse reeks of charred flesh, and he thought he saw a young woman out of the corner of is eye.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the Sakleshpura forest reserve, newly- married Shivaranjini experiences a devastating seizure, emerging with a terrifying new personality.

What are the mysterious forces at work here and how are all these things related? How does an audacious kidnapping investigated by a svelte police officer fit in? Is it a case of paranormal activity, as believed by the beautiful Tara, or something much less sinister? Neel and his friends are caught up in the vortex of these seemingly unrelated events, until the day they unravel the truth- and discover the revenge of Kaivalya.



Storyline – Interesting and intriguing with multiple plots. The author has been able to weave together events taking place at two different timelines and two different places beautifully. The transition from one place to another, from one timeline to another is smooth. What kept me hooked was the vividness of the descriptions especially those where nature was involved. In fact the reason why I took more than the usual time to finish the book was this aspect. I could not help reading over and over again the parts where Mother Nature was etched. I could clearly visualize her.

The local flavours add spice to the book. The suspense is maintained till the very end.

Language – Simple and engaging fast paced narrative. Flows freely and smoothly

Characters – Well etched with all their imperfections. One can relate to each one of them except maybe Kaivalya.Each of the characters contributes to the story.

Message – Now did I find a message here in a paranormal story? Yes. Never break a heart. The pain can be devastating.


Nothing in particular. However, I must admit that I was disappointed with Matchu’s escape. Wished there was something else in store for him.


Looking for a light read. Then, this is definitely one you can place your hands on. I know I would like to revist the book again. Hence I will give this 5/5


A few parts that made me think/ kept me mesmerized-

Page 2 – “Deep within the forest, it was twilight – dark. The ground was moist because of the rain, but not wet. The leaves were rotting and dispersed a loamy smell, Kencha moved as silently and swiftly as a leopard…….Kencha lifted his face and sniffed the air like a wolf.”

Page 4 – “Daniel stood rooted to the spot. …….He seemed hypnotized by the swaying hood, the open fangs, and the ivory- cream underside of the snake that was now exposed. The cobra seemed to have an eyeball- to eyeball contact with him. Daniel felt the snake was imprinting his face in its memory. ‘I wonder if it is black or olive green on the other side,’ Daniel thought irrationally.”

Page 13 to 15 –“Deep within the Western Ghats,….. Lush green grass covers the plain, like an emerald carpet. In the middle of the plain, nearly a kilometer wide, the Hemavathi is like a mirror. Now and then, a whisper of wind caresses her surface, leaving light ripples in its wake. Flowers that are never seen on the surface of the earth bloom on Hemavathi’s banks and gently sway in the mysterious wind that is as rhythmic as breath…..But even He, The Destroyer in the Holy Trinity, the mighty Lord Shiva, has to wait for the right time.”

I thank author, Ms. Sumana Khan for being kind enough to send me a review copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. Sumana does have a way with words. Her next book I am sure is something to look out for.


The Revenge of Kaivalya

Book available on amazon and flipkart

To read what other people too have to say about the book, do visit Write Tribe and Goodreads.

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