Category Archives: WriteTribe ProbloggerChallenge




Year 1996

A cool April afternoon
The drizzle and the light breeze combined with the steady motion of the bus acted as a catalyst to soothe my weary mind and lead me on to slumber when….

A loud bang, the sound of metal colliding with metal, shattering of glass and shrieks of co-passengers startled me. Within seconds I was wide awake and to my horror found myself trapped between my seat and the one just in front. With husband by my side I wondered what to do when suddenly I found people outside prompting me to jump from the window. I tried to get up. But wait…. What’s this? I can’t lift my legs. It was only then that I realized that my legs were trapped between the seats. Suddenly the smell of diesel along with comments from some volunteers propelled me to act. I pulled my legs out even before my husband could warn me of the dangers and looked out of the window. Several hands stretched up to guide me down. Suddenly someone saw blood oozing down my legs and warned me to be careful. Once down I was immediately rushed to the District Hospital nearby. It was only then that I realized that both my legs were badly bruised.

Hours later I was shifted in a wheel chair to the General Ward. But where do I lie? All the beds were occupied. We were in a dilemma. Suddenly a bystander for a lady recovering from a bout of flu approached us and offered to vacate her daughter’s bed for me. We protested. But she assured us that her daughter was cured and would be discharged in a few hours’ time. She could spend the remaining hours in the sofa nearby. Finally we agreed.

The night was a dark and terrible one. Having helped me settle down on the bed, my husband was required to leave since that was a female ward. Since the place was hours away from home, there was no one to tend to me. Seeing my husband’s dilemma, the bystanders of the patients on either side of my bed assured him they would take care of me and that I need not worry. Finally he left for the retiring room in the Hospital Complex after asking them to contact him without fail in case of an emergency.

The night passed off seeing me toss and turn. My legs were swollen and ugly and they were hurting. Sometime around midnight I felt the urge to visit the toilet but did not since I didn’t want to disturb the good Samaritans who had volunteered to take care of me. I waited for dawn and the arrival of my husband.

Come dawn and the first thing I told my husband was my problem, I wanted to visit the restroom but how? My legs were leaden and I could not move them leave alone walk on my own. One of the ladies who overheard the conversation suddenly walked up to me, helped my husband get me down from the bed and with the help of another lady took me to the restroom to complete my morning ablutions all the time standing guard in case I should need help.

That day I realized that wherever be the place, whatever be the religion or faith, in times of trouble the best in everyone comes to the fore and humanity surges ahead to help the needy.

I do not know who they were, where they resided or to which faith they belonged. I just know that they were simple, kindhearted folk who knew how to empathize with a fellow being in pain. That day is still live and fresh in my memory not because I had met with an accident, not because I was wounded and in great pain, not because I had to spend the night in a general ward teeming with hundreds but because of those good Samaritans who tended to me without any expectations. They left their footprints in my heart.

Image Source: Pixabay


I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge

Today’s prompt for the challenge is : Heartprints
So have I been able to pull it off? Do let me know in the comment section below.




Cu- ckoo of the Cuckoo
Welcoming the first rays of the sun
Awakens the drowsy, brings cheer to the baby
Weaves magic, magic, magic…

Flute to the lips
Eyes closed and relaxed
Strains wafting through the air
Weave magic, magic, magic…

Fingers on Veena
A smile on the lips
Sweet melody lifting spirits
Weaves magic, magic, magic…

Drums in front
Stick in hand
Sounds invigorating filling the air
Weaves magic, magic, magic…

Strains of music in the air
Bringing smiles,calming spirits
Imparting life to limbs lazy
Work magic, magic, magic…

Image Source: Pixabay


I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge





“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
– Friedrich Nietsche


Agree or not the fact is that there is a monster lurking within each one of us. The only thing that keeps it from rearing its head is our sense of right and wrong. The day we lose the ability to distinguish right from wrong all hell breaks loose and the ugly monster rears its head in glee. So is the case with those innumerable youth who have chosen a path far too dangerous for us to think. They are in fact lost souls who have lost a sense of direction. They believe that their acts of terrorism will ultimately win them an entry into Heaven after death. But does anyone know what’s going to happen after death or for that matter what that Heaven looks like, feels like? I doubt if anyone has an answer to this question of mine. I for one don’t know what’s going to happen to me after death except the fact that my body may be consigned to flames and that it may become one with the elements called earth, water and fire. But is there a Heaven or Hell? If so, where is it?

Yes, is a Heaven and there is Hell. Know where? Well right here on Earth.

When Angels tread Earth becomes Heaven and when Monsters rampage it Earth cries out in pain. It becomes Hell for even the innocent ones. Today earth is in fact slowly falling prey to Monsters. To keep these Monsters in check the Angels need to gather together, pick up cudgels, make them see light and bring them back on the path of right. So, what should be the plan?
1) Starting Point Home:

Home should be where the heart can be laid bare. It should not be a prison where young legs shiver at the sight of elders but should be like a lush green lawn where you sit, relax and have a heart to heart conversation.

We must remember that children see, absorb and adopt things, ideas, mannerisms and beliefs from their surroundings. So, if you love them, hug them, make them feel wanted they are sure to imbibe these naturally and grow up as normal human beings with a happy disposition. But if you constantly terrorize them and terrorize those around them they are bound to see it as a way of life. They see the Monster in you and may grow up to be Monsters themselves.

1) Next Stop:

Teachers, Gurus, Spiritual leaders play a key role in nurturing the Angel or the Monster in each one of us. If someone were to go on ranting and filling my ears with negative things about things and people around me I am sure to be radicalized unless I have a very strong disposition and am not easily influenced. Sadly, today many a youth are easily influenced. They believe that the people around them who do not ascribe to their faith, their beliefs, their way of thinking, their dictates are not fit to live. They are in fact evil souls. But in their mission to wipe out these evil souls they wittingly or unwittingly become Monsters.

So, Teachers, Gurus, Spiritual leaders need to emanate positive vibes and spread positive message. They are like the shepherd. They need to see to it that their ward, their followers don’t go astray.

2) The Journey Continues:

Society, Social Media and Government need to act with maturity. They need to handle sensitive issues with care and not let rumor mill run amok. They need to address issues with restraint and understand the underlying problem before finding a solution/ dealing with the same. Else in the process of killing monsters they themselves will tend to behave as a monsters. Yes there are times especially in a war like situation, when they may need to pay back the monster ( enemy) in the same coin and they may look as monsters/ be termed as monsters. But that should be the last resort and when they look into the mirror they should be able to look with a clear conscience. The mirror should not reflect the Monster in them.

Image Source: Pixabay

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge

Today’s prompt for the challenge is : MONSTER

So have I been able to pull it off? Do let me know in the comment section below.

Dreams Vs Reality



Lying within layers of blankets,I dream
A dream invigorating it may seem
I see myself climbing snow clad peaks
Braving blizzards and avalanches

I sit on the beach far away from the waves
Sifting through the sands
See myself rafting down turbulent waters
Body sprayed with water exhilarating

I watch from the sidelines my friends’ paragliding
See myself in the harness suspended
Waving to the teaming crowds below
The wind my mate caressing, encouraging

Sitting in front of the television
I see in me another Bolt in the making
Feel hot blood flushing my face
As I fly on legs no less than wings

I stand by the side of the road
See the mad rush of vehicles passing
Step forward to cross, step back in fear
Feel helpless, ashamed, a coward lame

I dream and dream for dreams are free
To make them work I need something
Something called courage
To take the leap

Can I or can I not?
It’s for me to think, decide and act
Each day, each minute is precious I know
I must move out of my comfort zone.

Today’s prompt for the challenge is
“ You can choose courage or you can choose comfort (but) you cannot have both.”
Brene Brown

All Pictures Source : Pixabay

So have I been able to pull it off? Do let me know in the comment section below.


I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge

Agony Of A Free Bird



What is life if I were to follow rules that others make
Born a free bird, live a free bird, die a free bird is my birth right I say
Traffic rules are not for me, I like the wind caressing my hair as I do ride
Seat belts restrict me; they are a nuisance I cannot bear.

Hair flying wild in the wind he rode the Pulsar at top gear
Raced his Audi on bumpy roads, the seat belt lying limp by his side
Hot blood rushed through his being, life a joyous ride for him
Wild as the wind he raced along life’s path at speeds no one dared

Then one day his kid the Pulsar, skid off the bumpy road
Threw him off as would a raging bull on hot rocks rough and sharp
Skull shattered, legs broken, eyes closed in a pool of blood he lay
Helpless, moaning, writhing in pain, waiting for solace…….


Image Source
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge
and this one is on today’s prompt i.e. ‘Disobedience



A Battle Fought With A Smile


High hopes and aspirations
Winged with talent abundant
Saw him soar high in the tinsel town
They call Mollywood

A young guy was he
With a promise to make it big
Maybe one day reign at # 1
With a fan base the envy of everyone

Then one day
Fate gave him a blow
Fatal and stunning
Shaking everyone to the core

The fighter in him received it with a smile
Said I’ll survive, I’ll survive
Moved ahead with a beautiful smile
Looked ahead with stars in the eye

He won the round
Was an inspiration to all
Showed that half the battle is won
If one fights with a smile and a will of steel

Two years went by
Life looked happy and bright
The enemy within felt jealous, decided to strike
This time with a force great and precise

Shocked yet composed
He took up arms
Fought valiantly day in, day out
With a smile on the face and a positive brain

The messages he wrote from the hospital bed
Lent hope to the sick, wiped tears of the sad
The smile he sported even when drained
Energized the medics, made them smile

Then one day the world woke up to hear
The passing away of the brave young lion heart
One who even in the face of the illness gnawing on him
Smiled and smiled, imparted courage to all

PS: The prompt ‘Terminal’ brought back images of Jishnu Raghavan, a very talented young actor of Mollywood who even while battling throat and lung cancer continued to smile. His thoughts and messages were a great source of inspiration to many a patient suffering the deadly disease. He passed away on March 25, 2016 at the prime age of 35.

Do visit Jishnu Raghavan’s FB Page to get an insight into his thoughts even when battling the disease.


I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge

Write Tribe

Down Memory Lane



The sound of a mango falling to the ground woke me up from my reverie. My leg willed me to run but my body exhausted from the chores of the day refused to budge.


There falls another one I thought to myself. This time I could not hold myself back. I ran to the rear courtyard and searched for the two. There they lay side-by-side partially hidden by a fallen coconut frond. I picked them up and without a thought rubbed them on my saree and dug my teeth deep into them. Sweet juice oozed out transporting me to those days when I was just a kid…..

Lazy summer afternoons at grandma’s……

A big house filled with aunts, uncles and cousins, summer vacations were fun. Lunch over, the ladies would spend the time in the front veranda reading the day’s newspaper or a magazine, talking to each other or just lying down while the kids would spend time on the ‘kolaya’( narrow veranda running throughout three sides of the house excluding the front) yarning stories, playing hopscotch, skipping, etc., etc., All would go well till…….


Little feet would grow wings. Scrambling, falling, getting up and running eyes would scan the undergrowth below the big mango tree till……


All would jump to grab the fallen fruit. In the scuffle that ensued, the smart one would grab the mango and bite deep into it…… The trophy (juicy mango) would be his/ hers. Once someone had dug their teeth into the mango none else would dare grab it. The winner would then dust the mango against his/ her dress and gorge on it. No question of washing with water. But then in those days I believe, the immune system was too strong to crack just by the consumption of a few grains of dust.

The rest would wait a few more minutes looking up at the mango tree with pleading eyes or return to the ‘kolaya’ to resume what they had left mid-way.


Returning to the present, I once again began my search for the fallen mango.


Image Source: Pixabay

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge

Write Tribe

Life as I see it


Life is a journey
A journey long and mysterious
We make some plans, we follow certain patterns
Only to find them go awry in just a few seconds.
Life is a journey
A journey of surprises and sudden decisions
We make some plans, we follow certain patterns
Only to find ourselves change them on the spur of a moment.
Life is journey
A journey of ups and downs
It is a journey that calls for changes
Life is unpredictable.
Follow a routine, a pattern
But be ready to make changes and adjustments
Enjoy, learn and be rewarded.
Life is to be loved and lived
Not to be killed by monotony and grief.


I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Challenge

Write Tribe