Daily Archives: 08/06/2014

Even against odds….

A drabble inspired by the picture below at Write Tribe

Image Courtesy : Vidya Sury

Image Courtesy : Vidya Sury

He lay there stretched out surrounded by weeping souls. The face calm and serene, the smile frozen on his lips, all reminded me of the days he was up and around.

At sharp 6 in the morning he would be there at my doorstep asking me if I wanted anything from the nearby market. His grit and dedication left us wonder-struck. Polio afflicted, he was a fighter.

Raghav was the soul of the neighbourhood. His radiant smile and the shopping bag hanging from his lifeless right hand supported by his left were his trademark. He did not believe in alms.

[ Post © Geeta Nair, 2014. All rights reserved. Published at Manjeri on 08-06-2014.]


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