Book Review – Sorting Out Sid

Meet Sid aka Siddharth the protagonist – The Hero Sid, The Party Sid, The………..



Title :Sorting out Sid

Author : YashodharaLal

Publishers : Harper Collins

Genre : Fiction



An IIM graduate, marketing professional and mother of three Yashodhara Lal is the bestselling author of ‘Just Married, Please Excuse.’ Click here to visit her blog.


The cover though simple is attractive and gives an insight into the protagonist Sid. The title is catchy, making one wonder what is in store.

Blurb of the book

Siddharth Agarwal aka Sid has it all- a fifteen-year—long marriage, a bunch of devoted friends, and the chance to be the company’s youngest- ever VP, all at the age of thirty-six.

But behind the scenes, his life is slowly falling apart, what with his marriage on the rocks, parents who treat him like a delinquent child, and overly interfering, back- stabbing friends. And that’s not even counting the manipulative HR vixen and the obnoxious boss he must tackle in office.

So, when lovely, spunky single mom Neha materializes in his life, she brings into it a ray of hope. But will she cause a brewing storm to finally erupt?

Who said it would be sorting out Sid?



Storyline – Relevant, something we can relate to in today’s life.

Language – Simple and engaging.

Characters – Well etched with all their imperfections. One can relate to each one of them. We are all surrounded by the likes of Sid, Aditi, Neha, Mandira, Sunny, Vikas, Akash and Ms. Meenakshi. Some we recognize, some we ignore and some we deny. But the fact remains that they are all there around us.
Each of the characters contributes to the story.

Message – The book is a wake-up call to the innumerable Sid’s busy making a career at the cost of a meaningful family life. It gives us an insight into the reasons for the ever increasing break –ups, divorces and embittered relationships the Indian Society is witnessing today.


Length and momentum – The first part to me seemed to drag forcing me to put down the book quite often. However by the time I reached the second part things started gaining momentum. Fewer pages would have meant a crispier, engaging narrative right from the word ‘go.’

Humor- Each person’s sense of humor is different. So for me was this tale truly hilarious as mentioned in the back cover? Well, there were certainly a few places where my face broke out into a smile. But did I laugh out loud? No.

Editing – Unnecessary repetitions at a few places.


If you are looking for a light read. Then, this is definitely one you can place your hands on. I will give this 4/5


The most relevant quote in the entire book-

Neha telling Sid: “All you do is use people to feel better about yourself.”

Now isn’t that true?


I thank the author, Ms. Yashodhara Lal for being kind enough to send me a review copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. Lal does have a knack for churning out good fiction. Her next book I am sure is something to watch out for.


Book available on amazon and flipkart

Inviting you to also visit my other blog i.e.CANVAS

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About Geeta Nair

Born in Independent India to two really wonderful people who cherished and nourished me with great care, I consider myself lucky to have had the best that life could offer me. Lucky to have had the best education , the best sibling, the best husband, the best daughter,the best of everything that I could ever want, Love to live life on my terms .

9 responses »

  1. The book sounds interesting and I have been reading people’s reviews to figure whether I should buy it or not. You review definitely helped me make up my mind 🙂

    P.S. Geeta, I love the way your blog has been designed. It is so beautiful!


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