Daily Archives: 21/07/2014




Walking down the path of life
I’ve stumbled, I’ve fallen, I’ve been hurt
But falls and hurts apart
Life has been kind, life has been full

Yearn I not for riches or for fame
Yearn I for simple pleasures of life
Pleasures my family, friends, nature and books provide
They zest up my life



A distant caw, the croak of a frog, the chirp of birds in my backyard, the bark of a dog , the ring of the temple bells awaken me each morning before the first rays of the sun kiss the earth. Each little sound, each little movement infuses in me new energy. They remind me of how lucky I am to be alive and around. They stir me out of my tardiness and propel me to get moving, look up to the challenges both known and unknown, awaiting me outside. These little sounds, these little movements though seemingly insignificant are actually the first things that come to my mind when I think of life and all that adds spice to inspire me to move on.

Awake and ready as I step into the kitchen I have someone by my side. My better- half, my spouse since the past three decades, he makes it a point to help me out in my duties in the kitchen. A great cook himself, his presence, his advice, his anecdotes and the small morning talk we make as we cook for the day all add to the taste of the dishes we dish out together. If he is not around I feel lost. A great motivator, he has always stood by me through thick and thin. He knows how to buoy my spirits when I am down. Life without him I am sure would be meaningless. He is the salt in my life. He spurs me on.

Salt n Sugar In My Life


“Tring…, Tring…”

I pick up the phone. That’s my daughter calling. Breakfast without an early morning call from her is like tea without sugar. One who enjoys life, doesn’t mind laughing out loud, loves the best of the old and the new, she is like fresh air in our lives. Her laughter is infectious. It acts as medicine when I feel low. I call her my doctor for she knows how to heal me, help me build up my defenses and look up in life. She stands for all that is sweet. She is my sweetener.

Books and my blog are my strongest link with the real , the unreal, past and the present. They help me identify myself, my strengths, my weakness. They provide me an outlet to vent my feelings, share my thoughts, connect with the outside world and above all prove myself. They are like condiments in my life. Days without them taste bland and boring. They season it to make it tastier, attractive and mouth- watering. I don’t know what I would do without them. They keep me going and help me discover myself.



But wait, I am not done as yet. The dessert is yet to be served. Want to know what’s in store? Well let me break the suspense. It is a ‘she’. I call her my lemon zest. She adds flavor to my life with her love, her reprimands. Her counsel, her appeals, her warning, her smile create a ripple in my heart and my life. Though I call her my lemon zest she is nothing short of the icing in the cake of my life. She is my ‘Janani’, my mother of 73. A very strong woman she has gone through tough times always with a smile. She has taught me how to be strong and survive. She has helped me see and enjoy the brighter side of life. Hats off to this lemon zest of mine!

My Lemon Zest



Small sounds add spice to my life
In spouse I have the salt I want
Sugar in plenty, courtesy a wonderful girl
Never short of seasoning thanks to my books and blog
But the best is here for all to know
She is my dessert, my biggest and best zest
She is the woman who brought me into this world


This post is a part of the #ZestUpYourLife activity in association with TATA Zest and BlogAdda.com

Queen of all colours

Image courtesy of Photokanok / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Photokanok / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

They say it is the colour of night
They say it is foreboding, not bright
They say it is ugly, repulsive
They say it is depressing, oppressive

But for me it is attractive and bright
Colour of beauty, colour of might
Makes heads turn, Is shiny and clear
Black for me is classy and warm

Queen of all colours if there is any
Black it is! Black it is! Black it is!



“Hello Mom, breaking news!”


“There’s going to be an addition to the family.”



“Congrats………”. Unable to contain my happiness I immediately rush to my husband’s side and break the news to him. After all he too will be elevated from father to grandfather in a few months.

As the day progresses I find myself dreaming of the new member due in a few months, I find myself making plans right from the pre-natal care to post–natal care of both the mother and child. The TV is on. But I am in a world of my own. Time flies, I drift off into deep slumber. I dream….

I see myself holding my grandchild in my arms. Two shiny black eyes look into mine. The teeny- weeny fingers clasp mine. I take out a dozen small black bangles and slide them into two rosy, round hands. They looked beautiful. The baby gurgles in delight. My eyes get moist.

Suddenly I feel a pressure on my shoulders. I wake up with a start. The dream was broken. But a dozen small black baby bangles bag the topmost slot in my ‘black- wish-list.’

The rest of the day passes off as usual. Dusk sets in. Doors are locked, the car is taken out and we set off for the dinner reception being hosted in honor of a dear friend’s son’s marriage. Suddenly a car whizzes past. I draw on my breath. Oh no … it’s not the speed that has that effect on me. It is the sheer beauty of the vehicle that leaves me breathless. The sleek, shiny black look is breathtaking. I cannot help feeling envious.

“Touch gold, what a beauty,” I say. “Next time we change our vehicle, we must go in for a shiny black one.” My husband smiles. “So do you plan to add a black car to you black- wish- list?”

“Sure, it is gonna be item # 2 on my wish-list. A sleek, black car. Need not be an Audi or a Benz. Even a Chevrolet spark will do. But it must be black,” I say.

Image courtesy of graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of graur codrin /FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The hall is teeming with guests in their best; voices vie with each other to be heard over the din. We step onto the tastefully decorated stage and greet the newly wed. Greetings over, we move towards the dining hall. Suddenly I feel someone nudge from behind. I turn around and lo and behold who do I see, a childhood buddy, someone who I am meeting after a gap of five long years.

Plates laden with delicious smelling food in hand, we move to a quiet corner of the room. I know its bad manners talking while having food, but then we are so overwhelmed that we cannot stop ourselves. The next half – hour or so is spent catching up on bygones. Finally it is time to say goodbye. Hugging her, I whisper, “You look gorgeous. Black suits you.” She smiles and asks, “Do you still have at least half –a – dozen black sarees in your wardrobe.”

**I think I will let you into my little secret, a secret shared till now only with select few. I love black sarees. Of course, not just plain black but black with designs, embroidery, border, etc, etc. And of course I am choosy while selecting them. So the talk among my select group was that at any given point of time there would be at least six black sarees in my wardrobe. I must admit they were right. Black always catches my eyes whenever I go saree shopping.**

“Yes, but then it’s time to replace one or two. Hah! Now that I’ve seen you I know what is going to be item #3 on my black-wish-list.”


“Black Kancheevaram saree with yellow zari border.I love the combination.”

“Wow! No one can beat you when it comes to clothing. I am sure you will dig it out from somewhere. So, good luck. ” Saying this she hugs me once again and leaves.


Next day

Coffee in hand I pick up the morning newspaper. Something falls off from the folds of the newspaper sheets. I pick it up. “Another bit notice!” I mumble under my breath.

Comfortably settled in my chair, I go through the paper. The Malayasian Airline crash, the resignation of the speaker of the state assembly,…….all read in detail, I fold the newspaper and put it back on the coffee table. The bit notice falls off the table. I pick it up and am about to crumple it and throw it away in the waste basket when a picture suddenly catches my eyes. Among the various household items advertised is the entire range of Hawkins Futura Cookware. Now let me tell you I am a great fan of the Hawkins Futura Range. I have a ‘tawa’ of course of the futura series, that is more than a decade old and is still a beauty. The range of black utensils I must say is beauty combined with quality and durability. Recently I made an addition to my Hawkins Futura Cookware collection. I bought a 5 litre pressure cooker. The bit notice tempted me to make some more additions, a kadai, a handi, a frying pan……

I now know what will be item #4 on my black- wish-list. The remaining items i.e. excluding tawa and pressure cooker, of the Hawkins futura cookware series take slot #4.

Image courtesy Hawkins

Household chores over, I open my laptop. There are a number of eBooks I have downloaded from Amazon, waiting to be read. I open one. But mid-way through I start feeling tired. Now to be frank, I love paperbacks for the simple reason that I can just curl up somewhere a bed, a settee, a rocking chair or even a cane basket swing and read it without getting tired or bored. Time flies and I am unaware. But reading books on the computer or laptop is tiring. The neck starts crying then the back starts aching and finally the legs start getting restless.

Interest gone, I get up, shut down my laptop and go off to read a paperback copy of a book I have received in the day’s post. My husband looks at me with questioning eyes.

“eBook is not my cup of tea.”

“Why, it’s convenient. You don’t have to worry about storing and maintaining it. It’s easy to carry too on a journey.”

“Yes, I agree. But it’s so tiring to sit there in front of the laptop and read. You know I prefer curling up somewhere while reading a book.”

“Who says you must read eBooks on your laptop only. Why don’t you read it on my tablet?”



“You know I hate being disturbed when I read. If I take your tab I have to return it as and when you want it.”

“Okay then, why don’t you buy one for yourself.”

“What about a Kindle reader? Any idea how it is?”

“It’s useful I hear. You can easily buy it online.”

“So then it’s finalized. Item #5 on my black- wish-list is a sleek, black, kindle reader.”

Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

It is tea time. I walk into the kitchen. The tea is put to boil. A song plays on my lips as I go through my wish-list once again.

Black baby bangles
Black car
Black Kancheevaram saree with yellow zari border
Black Hawkins Futura Cookware (entire range excluding tawa and pressure cooker)
Black Kindle Reader

Black coffee ready, I pour it out into two black coffee mugs. Placing them on a black tray I walk out of the kitchen into the garden humming all the way.

Image courtesy of khunaspix / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of khunaspix /FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Black for me is uplifting and light
It is a colour that catches my eyes
Brings sparkle in them, makes them wide
I love this colour that is vibrant, classy and bright


This post is a part of #WhatTheBlack activity at BlogAdda.com

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