
Image courtesy of sattva /

Image courtesy of sattva /

The wind ruffled the ‘springs’ on her head. A dear babe with a cap of jet black curls and sparkling eyes she was. Each morning as I got ready to go to school she’d follow me, hating to leave my side. Then one day she joined me on that long journey to school. The shy I found a saviour in her. Roles reversed she’d take on the bullies troubling me, her dear Di.

An intelligent brain in a mischievous body, the darling of the house is now 50. A successful career woman she still is Di’s adorable,sweet little Sis.

Still going strong

Still going strong

A 100 word drabble written on the prompt “My Little Sister” at Write Tribe

100 Words on Saturday - Write Tribe

Inviting you to also visit my other blog i.e. CANVAS

By the way don’t forget to leave your footprints in the form of comments and suggestions. Your words mean a lot to me.

About Geeta Nair

Born in Independent India to two really wonderful people who cherished and nourished me with great care, I consider myself lucky to have had the best that life could offer me. Lucky to have had the best education , the best sibling, the best husband, the best daughter,the best of everything that I could ever want, Love to live life on my terms .

36 responses »

  1. Geeta, every word resonates with the love you share with your sister. I would end up writing pages and pages about mine, and do not wish to start. 🙂 Sentimental.. since I am very far away from her and miss her a lot.


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