Food for thought


Inspired by the theme ‘Food‘ at

Munching on a biscuit I asked myself
Sweet or Salt or mix of both?
My taste buds found it hard to tell
The taste they felt the biscuit gave

I wondered why it mattered much
I asked myself the question too
My mind then revealed a secret
Something interesting and intriguing

The food we eat, the mind said
Is not just to satisfy hunger
It does conveys a lot more
Things we often have not known

If it were just to satisfy hunger
The taste buds would not have mattered
The salt and sugar would leave the shelf
Raw leaves and fruits would take their place

The stove, the vessels would not be there
Life would be a lot more easier
But then, maybe my friend you’d find
Life a lot more dull and bitter

The sweet, the salt in foods convey
A lot more, than just the taste
They reveal to us the secret of life
It’s there for us to explore and find

The lucky one sees in its taste
Joy, Joy and nothing more or less
The sweet is more exciting for him, my friend
The salt is just a passing thing

The struggling one sees in it
A mix of joy and trial
For him the salt is just a booster
The sweet a trophy he has earned

The vagabond laying hands on it
Ignores the sweet and the salt
The food for him is manna
The bitter one will also do.

The tastes are but the type of life
Each one of us leads here on earth
The food we eat helps us realize
That life is a mix of good and bad

The lucky one has sugared food
The struggling one a mix of sweet and salt
The one with not a home or hearth
Is happy even with the bitter one

The next time you crib on taste
Just think of the one without a hearth or home
The food you eat will taste the best
You will not bother whether it’s sweet or sour.



We often come across people wasting food. The next time before you waste food, just think of the person on the street, the one who yearns for just one morsel of anything. Remember “Cook only what you want and serve only what you can have.” Make children realize the value of food from an early age. Tell them that food is to be revered and respected.

Food can make us and mare us too. A healthy diet keeps us fit and fine whereas junk food makes us sick and crying. So let’s take on the challenge and eat healthy.



I am taking part in The Write Tribe Festival of Words 8th – 14th December 2013 at
Write Tribe

Inviting you to also visit my other blog i.e. CANVAS

By the way don’t forget to leave your footprints in the form of comments and suggestions. Your words mean a lot to me.

35 responses »

  1. Lovely post and I completely agree with the line “Cook only what you want and serve only what you can have”


    • Thank you Jairam. I am indebted to my grandmothers and mother who have made my realize the importance of food at an early age. It is the message that I learnt from them that I thought I’d convey.


  2. I really liked this poem.. the particular stanza about vagabonds was the bitter truth.. my favorite stanza though is
    “The lucky one has sugared food
    The struggling one a mix of sweet and salt
    The one with not a home or hearth
    Is happy even with the bitter one”
    …it explains the harsh reality in our society aptly…


  3. “For him the salt is just a booster , The sweet a trophy he has earned” Food Philosophy. Lovely. Wasting food is a crime. With kids around this is the toughest thing to control too. 😦


  4. The taste buds matter a lot. and if we ate obly raw veggie there would be no vessels. I have gave a though to this matter. food for thought. very apt title.


  5. That’s such a good message to send out, especially the last 4 lines where people from different classes perceive food and it’s taste. Indeed we are lucky to have good, healthy and tasty food ever day when there are people who find it hard to have even one full meal a day.


    • We are indeed lucky to have good, healthy, tasty food. But we have to realize that that does not mean we waste it. Thank you Prasanna for the wonderful words.


  6. “Just think of the one without a hearth or home…The food you eat will taste the best!” Should make a few kids read this. Powerful and thought provoking, poem, Geeta!


  7. The lucky one has sugared food
    The struggling one a mix of sweet and salt
    The one with not a home or hearth
    Is happy even with the bitter one ~ your thoughts here are so true. I hadn’t thought of food in this way before.


  8. An amazing post on the lines of wasting food. Couldn’t agree more. I even tell the same thing to my almost two-year old when he refuses to eat. Sadly he has difficulty comprehending it. Love the post 🙂


  9. yes.. you are so right.
    I loved the poem too!
    And the last few lines – sums it all up quite correctly .. its so heart breaking to see educated and so-called knowledgeable people wasting food :-/


  10. Pingback: Dreams « Fabric of Life

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